Stimulus package for bloggers

If we have to have a stimulus package in New Zealand (because the government feels it HAS to do something), then maybe they could have a stimulus for bloggers.  The case is made here (ht Marginal Revolution).  It is a 14 point argument – so it must be right!

I would add that there is a concern surrounding entry – people may flood into the blogger industry trying to get the subsidy as there is virtually no barrier to entry.  Sure this will increase employment – but it will make the cost of the subsidy unbounded.  As a result, they should restrict the subsidy to bloggers on the current Tumeke rankings 😉

5 replies
  1. Hompeaddock
    Hompeaddock says:

    Would there also be a concern about the probable decrease in productivity as people spent more time reading and writing blogs instead of working? 🙂

  2. Matt Nolan
    Matt Nolan says:

    “Would there also be a concern about the probable decrease in productivity as people spent more time reading and writing blogs instead of working?”

    If we state that the consumption value of a blog post is high enough, then we might be able to get the statistics to tell us that the stimulus will increase productivity 😉

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