Auckland presentation this Friday

Hi all,

I will be doing a presentation for the blogging community this Friday in Auckland.  It will be at 3pm, and we will be meeting up at the MORE FM reception on Level 2, 239 Ponsonby Rd.

During the presentation I’ll cover the follow:

  • An overview of what’s going on in Europe, what we need to keep an eye out for, and how it will impact on New Zealand generally,
  • A discussion of “rebalancing” in New Zealand,
  • What’s going on with food prices and what it means for us,
  • The growing problems in the labour market,
  • A social “minimum income”.

During question time, and at the bar afterwards, I will also be available to talk about anything … as long as its economics related.

I’d love to see you guys there to discuss these issues with me.

8 replies
  1. Richard29
    Richard29 says:

    ‘A social minimum income’

    Is that the Big Kahuna proposal (i.e. also the comprehensive capital tax element) or something else?

    • Matt Nolan
      Matt Nolan says:

      Its the negative income tax idea of Friedman.  I think its part of the Big Kahuna – but its definitely not the CCT thing.

      I just describe the context of thinking about a minimum income at the end – just to make sure that whoever is there will feel like arguing with me 😉

  2. Dominic
    Dominic says:

    note: it’s pretty hard to get matthew to talk about things that are not ecconomics-related at the best of times… 

Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. […] 5, 2011 I’d just like to say thanks to the people who turned up to the presentation in Auckland on Friday, I hope you had as much fun as I did!  Everyone that was there had interesting points and […]

  2. […] situation. It’s a great opportunity to learn a bit more about what is happening. Matt will cover:An overview of what’s going on in Europe, what we need to keep an eye out for, and how it will […]

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