More NZ economics blogs

Given recent hectic times I’ve neglected to mention a couple of new New Zealand economics blogs.

There is Fair play and forward passes (via Anti-Dismal), where an economics lecturer from Massey discusses sports and New Zealand economics.

There is also Welly Gnome, where a Vic University undergrad takes it upon himself to get into economics blogging.

I of course encourage everyone studying, teaching, and practicing economics in New Zealand to start blogging – see it as a way for us to communicate ideas.  In the end it might not be for everyone, but I think its an important way of getting discourse regarding the New Zealand economy (which is at times lacking).

Some people might be worried that there would be too much “noise” – so that whatever is good won’t get through.  Given how few economics blogs currently exist in New Zealand I would say that, even if  the worst case scenario where the noise of a million screaming economists drowns out any useful information is what would happen, we are a long long way away from that now …

1 reply
  1. Kelly Kleeman
    Kelly Kleeman says:

    I for one would definitely enjoy seeing more New Zealand economic blogs out there. There are many men and women that could share their knowledge through blogging but unfortunately quite few actually do so..

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