Entries by goonix

Plastic bags: industry-based solution versus regulation

Foodstuffs have recently announced that they will voluntarily introduce a 5c charge per plastic bag consumed through their New World and 4 Square supermarkets, with the revenue generated being used for an “environmental initiative” (previous post on the issue here). Foodstuffs account for over half of all supermarket sales in New Zealand through their New […]

Obvious perverse incentive of the week award goes to…

As rightly pointed out over at Kiwiblog, when you make something free you distort incentives around use of that good or service. The previous Government introduced a Supergold card, offering concessions and discounts on various goods and services. In all their wisdom, they offer free off-peak travel on certain public transport. One such service was […]

France’s novel approach to the wage bargain: ‘boss-napping’

In the face of increasingly uncertain economic times, the latest trend in France is for workers unhappy with their company’s position on labour to boss-nap,. Boss-napping entails workers disappointed with redundancies or payouts taking their bosses hostage as a bargaining tool! Recent kidnappings have involved 3M France’s industrial director and Sony France’s CEO and HR […]