Entries by Will Taylor

Fonterra auction to blame for low dairy prices??

Apparently the Aussies are blaming Fonterra’s Global Dairytrade online auction platform for lowering the price of milk. Interesting. If the auction is simply reflecting the true value of milk then the I feel no sympathy. This quote from the manager of the auction system sums up it’s purpose Fonterra’s global trade managing director Kelvin Wickham […]

PPPs? Yes, please…..maybe

The Standard don’t see the point in them and Fletcher Building would  rather have a standard construction contract that doesn’t transfer  risk to them and doesn’t require them to incur costs setting the arrangement up. I’m FAR from an expert on the issue of PPPs, and there may be some valid concerns using them for […]

Comments on new theme welcome

Hello avid TVHE readers Given that we are currently constrained to use wordpress themes (we will get our own hosting eventually and go custom), we keep a watch on the new themes that get added to see if any are more functional/look cooler then our current one. One that appears to be a little more […]

The myth of the rational voter

I wish I had time at the moment to read Bryan Caplan’s new book or the piece he has written at Cato unbound on the myth of the rational voter. Having only done the briefest skim I can’t really comment on the conclusions he reaches. However, the title seams fairly self explanatory. This has really […]

IQ and Voting: 2004 US election

Update: Thanks to the journalistic skills of Kimble and StephenR we know this chart is a hoax, it has however sparked some amusing comments on the IQ/party matches for NZ:) While procrastinating doing work on the weekend I found this little stunner Would be interesting to see a similar exercise for the 08 election Agnitio

Social vs Economic Issues: US vs NZ Elections

Greg Mankiw has blogged about young voters abandoning the republican party in the recent Presidnetial election, citing this graph from Andrew Gelman When discussing why he thinks this happened he cites anecdotal evidence from talking to undergrads at Harvard that It was largely noneconomic issues. These particular students told me they preferred the lower tax, […]