Entries by Matt Nolan

Assessing benefit eligibility and adequacy

Last week we’d been chatting about the unemployment benefit in Australia and the reasons why some unemployed people don’t get it, while some people who aren’t unemployed do. Everything boiled down to eligibility criteria – criteria that are intended to exclude those that aren’t deemed to need it. After realising this, my colleagues and I […]

What is income for tax?

I’ve now read the IRD and Treasury effective tax rate reports, and they’re good. I’ll read them a few more times before writing anything on them in a couple of weeks – but the authors of all these reports were really careful to provide rationale and scenarios to explain what all the different numbers meant. […]

Does JobSeeker go to JobSeekers?

After yesterday’s pitch and related tweet thread, I was keen to dig a bit more into elements of the first note from this release – Income Support Gaps: When JobSeekers don’t seek jobs. The research note can be found here, and a bundle of supplementary material is here. What is “fair” is complicated and economists […]

Compulsory income insurance submissions

Hey all, just a reminder that submissions are currently open on quite a major policy change – the introduction of large scale fully funded income insurance in New Zealand. So if you have thoughts or feelings on the issue, make sure to get a submission in before Tuesday. In the lead up Simon Chapple has […]